Saturday, July 22, 2006

Fuck it!

Bloody computers. Bloody viruses. Bloody hell.

I had to re-format my hard drive yesterday, then reinstall Windows, because my computer had slowed to a crawl. Then I had to go out and buy a copy of Microsoft Word, because I didn't actually have a copy, which means I'm now $200 poorer than expected and can't afford to buy my MIFF tickets until next week, let alone go to Witness Protection Program's 7th birthday party tonight and indulge anywhere near as much as I'd like to. *sigh*

I spent all yesterday working on my computer, trying to make it work again, with the invaluable help of my mate Glen. Most of that time seemed to be spent on downloading and installing various software programs, and I'm not even halfway to reinstalling everything I had or need, such as a good audio program, which I didn't even know I needed. I thought having a sound card installed on this machine was all I needed to make tuneful noises come out of the speakers, but no!


Speaking of fucking, though...

I was interviewed this week by one of MCV's freelancers, for an article about gay blogs. While it's flattering to be included in the same league as Salam Pax and Towleroad, I don't really think of what it is that you're currently reading as a 'gay blog'.

Yes I'm gay, and yes, sometimes I'll write about my sexual/emotional life on here, but in the end, this isn't a gay blog in the same way that, say, Downunderpants is a gay blog, or Dudetube, or Dan in okcity are gay blogs. They're all great blogs, with some excellent eye candy and a hearty dose of queer sensibility, but I definitely don't consider this blog in their league.

I could post some pics of naked blokes for example, but you can find that sort of thing elsewhere. I could also write long and detailed posts about my sex life, but as I say in the current issue of MCV, "I don’t write about sex that much though. Generally you need to be getting laid to be able to write about it.”

Guess I'll just have to keep shambling along, doing whatever it is that I do here, hey?

1 comment:

Risperdal Constatine I said...

It's a good sign when your computer dies at the exact moment a bolt of lightning hits your house and you can no longer use it to connect to the internet, right?

P.S. I am using another computer, obviously.

P.S. Just call me Les.